Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle

Stop or even
reverse your
worsening brain

it's too late!

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You have a narrow window
of opportunity to stop
cognitive decline.
Is your memory getting worse? Does your brain tire more easily? Do you have trouble finding words when you speak?

You may be decades from Alzheimer's, but your cognitive function may already be declining.

Here's a crucial concept to understand:

Most healthcare professionals do not recognize the early or late stages of cognitive decline.

It doesn't matter what kind of medical professional they are — they simply are not trained in it.

They can even be a neurologist... they don't look at early signs.

When you have a 5-minute visit with a healthcare professional, they don’t have time to evaluate whether you have cognitive decline.

No matter how many doctors you see, signs of cognitive decline will be ignored.

As a result, most people go through life with ever-worsening brain function problems.

And what does cognitive decline get blamed on?


You’re told, "You're just getting older.

That's normal.” It’s common, but it’s not normal. They're not the same thing.
The good news is you can halt cognitive decline starting right away!
Symptoms of brain decline can start as early as your 30s, though they typically pop up in your 40s and 50s.

However, there is good news.
1. The brain is highly responsive to strategies to improve health and function.

2. If you notice your brain function is declining, the fact that you recognize this is a good sign — it means you’re still in the window of opportunity.
This is an online course, and it comes with a 7-day money-back guarantee.
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Do you have any of these red flags for cognitive decline? 
A previous traumatic brain injury
Cerebellar issues, gluten ataxia, poor balance
Autoimmunity impacting brain function
Ongoing brain inflammation causing brain fog, fatigue, depression, slow thinking, etc.
Blood-brain barrier permeability (leaky brain, causing neurological reactions to chemicals or foods)
Insulin resistance, high blood sugar, diabetes
Chronic inflammation (high CRP, homocysteine, fibrinogen, etc.)
Chronic gut health problems
Sedentary lifestyle
Chronic sleep deprivation
Standard American Diet: processed foods, sugars, fast foods, desserts
Cardiovascular disease or risks (high blood pressure, arterial plaquing, etc.)
When dementia becomes obvious, it's largely too late... the key is to act on cognitive decline while you can still make an impact.

Let me tell you the time someone reaches the stage where dementia is obvious, their prognosis for improvement is very poor...even with all the right strategies.

It’s crucial you identify cognitive decline and the very early stages of Alzheimer’s as soon as possible and act on them.

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Do you have any of these early symptoms of brain decline?
Lack of motivation, enthusiasm, interest, and drive
Getting a song, melody, or thought stuck in your head
Episodes of depression and fatigue
Shorter attention span
Worse impulse control
Worsening memory
Constantly misplace things
Difficulty remembering faces
Constantly misplace things
Worsening visual memory
Worsening balance
Dry mouth or eyes
In younger people, symptoms of cognitive decline can stem from metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, blood sugar imbalances, or hypothyroidism.

However, for people over 40, the risk of early brain degenerative diseases increases with age.
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This is an online course, and it comes with a 7-day money-back guarantee.
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Do not jump into cookie-cutter Alzheimer's protocols!

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to cognitive decline...

...different people experience brain decline for different reasons.

In my cognitive decline course, I will show you how to determine the underlying mechanism of cognitive decline and create a strategy based on your individual uniqueness. 

We will spend time making sure you understand:

  • How the brain works
  • How memory and cognition work
  • How recall works
  • How to identify breakdowns in those areas of the brain
  • How to create a customized dietary, lifestyle, and brain-activation strategy

By the end of the course, you’ll know how to identify the causes of your cognitive decline and what to do about it so you can regain control of your LIFE.
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The prevalence of cognitive decline is skyrocketing...
The brain is highly vulnerable to the onslaughts of modern life … one out of every six women and one out of every 10 men living past the age of 55 will develop dementia.
As you may know, cognitive decline affects not only the individual — it affects the entire family.

Caring for a family member with dementia or Alzheimer’s can be extremely difficult ... and expensive.

I'm going to show you the various strategies that have been validated in the literature to support yourself or a loved one. These are very simple concepts to improve cognitive function.

Once we put all the pieces of the puzzle together, you will have a personalized evidence-based plan of strategies.

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Can you maintain focus while telling a story? Do you struggle with name recall or your sense of direction?
By looking at symptoms like these and many more, you will learn to identify which areas of the brain are involved and what to do about them.

We will discuss strategies such as:

  • Brain rehab exercises
  • Using an evidence-based, personalized approach to manage risk factors
  • The use of nutraceuticals as they apply to various areas of breakdown
  • The impact of diet, toxins, pathogens, and other factors on cognitive health
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Why conventional approaches haven't worked...

...and what studies show does work to stop cognitive decline and prevent dementia

Of more than 2,000 clinical trials on Alzheimer's drugs through 2019, all of them failed.

Some drugs even worsened cognitive decline and caused serious side effects.

Why can’t drug manufacturers make a drug that works? Because they target just one aspect of Alzheimer’s. 

Not just one thing causes Alzheimer’s.

Many things work together to cause Alzheimer’s.

They include blood flow, blood sugar, insulin, free radicals, nutritional status, hormones, growth factors, physical activity, toxins, and more. No one drug addresses all of this. 
Instead, cognitive decline requires a personalized medicine approach. 
Research shows you can GROW the area of the brain Alzheimer's attacks!
A John’s Hopkins study using a multivariate treatment model in 70 patients with early dementia showed startling results:

The hippocampus — our learning-and-memory part of the brain that Alzheimer’s attacks — either quit atrophying in some subjects…

…and even increased in size in others!

Other research using the multivariate approach has also shown significant improvement in cognitive function.

These treatment models include:

Optimal brain diet
Improving sleep
Improving brain function through physical activity
Reducing inflammation
Fostering socialization
Relaxation techniques
Cognitive skills training
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No drug has ever come close to these results... but where do you go for a personalized brain program?

I bring it to you with
my course – Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle.

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This is an online course, and it comes with a 7-day money-back guarantee.
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But before I get to that, allow me to introduce myself. 
Hi, I’m Dr. Datis Kharrazian.

I first began practicing functional medicine in the late 1990s.

I love what I do and am continually driven to empower people to manage their own chronic health conditions.

My first book changed the paradigm of thyroid care and autoimmunity, and my second book introduced new brain health strategies that are now commonly embraced.

This information has helped thousands of people whose doctors kept telling them nothing was wrong.

They learned how to understand what was causing their chronic health symptoms, to release the fear of “mystery” symptoms by learning about their conditions, and then know what to do about it.

And now I want to introduce breakthrough strategies for managing your cognitive decline, based on my decades of practice, research, and teaching.

Throughout my years in practice, every patient that came in had a different underlying cause for their symptoms; no two patients were alike. The protocols I had been taught worked on some and not others and it frustrated me not knowing why. I kept researching and practicing until I learned how to develop personalized protocols based on each patient’s unique underlying mechanisms.

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How I developed Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle
I spent years ordering complex immunology labs and learning how to interpret them in order to thoroughly understand the immune system.
I consulted with research scientists and poured over thousands of studies.
I have studied research design, statistics, and data analysis as a PhD researcher. I know how to discern good studies from bad, and how to conduct good research myself.
I acquired multiple degrees to broaden my educational foundation.
I brought my extensive education and research into my clinical practice to work with extremely complex patient cases.
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My Credentials
I am a Harvard Medical School trained researcher, academic professor, and a functional medicine health care provider. 

Today, my clinical models of functional medicine are used by several academic institutions and thousands of healthcare clinics and practices throughout the world.

I maintain a private practice in San Diego, California, and consult with patients from all over the world who are seeking non-pharmaceutical alternatives. My practice is focused on developing a personalized medical approach using diet, nutrition, and lifestyle approaches.

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5 reasons it's URGENT to begin reversing your cognitive decline! 
Although your symptoms probably motivate you the most, here are reasons why it’s URGENT you take control of your cognitive decline:
1. Other brain-related disorders
Cognitive decline means brain inflammation and degeneration are raising your risk of brain-based disorders.

2. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia

Many cases of cognitive decline are simply early stages of Alzheimer's and dementia.

3. Chronic health disorders
Poor brain function worsens gut health, balance, pain, immunity, etc., raising your risk for multiple chronic health disorders.

4. Declining quality of life

Your world begins to shrink as you find it harder to maintain a life you once enjoyed.

5. Lost awareness of brain function
If you can tell you are experiencing cognitive decline, this means your brain function is still good enough to repair. When people lose awareness, this often means it's too late to reverse it. 
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Introducing my NEW online course 
Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle.
Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle is designed for people or their loved ones who suffer from DECLINING BRAIN FUNCTION 

Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle is a step-by-step online course that walks you through all the steps of identifying the underlying mechanisms of your cognitive decline… and then teaches you what to do about it.

In fact, by the time you get to the end of this course, you will know more about brain function and cognitive decline than the average healthcare provider!

This is an online course, and it comes with a 7-day money-back guarantee.
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Learn which area of the brain to treat for best results
Most people jump into a cookie-cutter brain protocol for cognitive decline.

That can certainly help, but different patterns of dementia involve different areas of the brain.

For best results, you need to understand your unique underlying mechanisms and which areas of the brain are most affected.
For instance, focus, attention, and concentration are involved with the frontal lobe. If you can’t focus, stay on task, concentrate, or have a hard time planning, then you know the frontal lobe is involved.

Symptoms of cognitive decline can include recalling things in the past but not being able to:

  • Learn new information,
  • Forgetting important past events
  • Losing the ability to focus and concentrate, and so on.

There are different degrees of cognitive decline and dementia involving different areas of the brain and different underlying mechanisms.
You'll receive free resource guides, including:
Dental health and infections are overlooked
in cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s

Dental health can have a huge impact on cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.

Pathogens from gum disease can infiltrate the brain and promote plaquing.

How is your dental health?
Do you have a bloody toothbrush?
Does brushing your teeth cause pain?
Are your gums red and swollen?
Gum disease is one of a number of infections that can promote cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease.

In brain autopsies of Alzheimer’s patients, researchers have found pathogens trapped inside brain plaques.
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Is Alzheimer’s simply Type 3 diabetes?
Researchers increasingly refer to Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes...

...insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and diabetes are all cases of chronically high blood sugar that devastate brain health and cognition.

Insulin surges and high blood sugar disrupt impair the brain’s ability to use glucose for energy and activate neuroinflammation.

This promotes the destruction of brain tissue.

You must reverse insulin resistance to improve your cognitive function and reverse your risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.
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Toxins play a role in cognitive decline
Research shows links between pollutants, toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, and other environmental compounds and Alzheimer’s.

Toxins enter the brain through a breached blood-brain barrier.

Once in the brain, they can trigger brain inflammation and plaquing.

Your daily exposure to toxins and their cumulative effect plays a role in cognitive decline and dementia risk.
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Beware the earliest sign of Alzheimer's:
Early stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s can begin years or even decades before the disease becomes obvious.

In fact, the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia are apathy, lack of motivation, and no desire or passion for anything in life.

When apathy from brain decline sets in, a person doesn't want to do anything anymore — they no longer want to:

  • Go see the new exhibit at the museum
  • Go to a concert by their favorite musician
  • Hang out with friends
  • Take weekend trips
  • Learn something new
Cognitive decline causes brain fatigue…

...people no longer have the energy to do the stuff they used to like to do.

This is a serious concern. This is where the road to dementia begins.

Cognitive decline happens in stages, progressing all the way to Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.

Different people go through these stages at different rates.

When did you notice your memory decline?

If it has gotten much worse in the last year, this means you have significantly accelerated neurodegeneration. This is a big deal.

On the other hand, if you think, hey, I'm totally different now than from a few years ago, then you should be concerned about your progression through the stages of cognitive decline.

That’s the bad news. The good news is you can stop the progression by employing simple, evidence-based strategies right away.

What’s more, these strategies will make you feel better overall. 

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What you could gain from this course
Stop living in fear and frustration
Dial in your diet, lifestyle, and nutraceutical strategies to stop or even reverse cognitive decline
Confidence and freedom from understanding what does and doesn't trigger your symptoms
Help your loved ones who have cognitive decline
Lower your risk of other diseases
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What you’ll get with Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle
Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle consists of online video lessons divided into 12 modules:
  1. Essential concepts of cognitive decline
  2. How your brain and cognition work
  3. Stages of cognitive decline
  4. Neuroplasticity versus neurodegeneration
  5. How to evaluate your own cognitive health
  6. Strengthening exercises for cognition
  7. Nutraceuticals for cognitive health
  8. Dietary factors that impact cognition
  9. Lifestyle factors that impact cognitive health
10. Environmental factors that impact cognitive health
11. Putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together
12. Bonus nutraceutical online store
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What is different about
Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle?
Dr. Kharrazian is an actual clinician who has been successfully treating chronic autoimmune symptoms in the United States and Europe for more than 20 years.
Dr. Kharrazian has witnessed countless real-life patient scenarios and developed proven strategies to address commonly overlooked issues.
Dr. Kharrazian is both a scientist and an educator.
Dr. Kharrazian has been an innovator in the field of functional medicine since its inception.
Dr. Kharrazian stays continually up to date with the latest scientific and medical research.
Dr. Kharrazian was trained as a clinical investigator (Master of Medical Science in Clinical Investigation) at Harvard Medical School and can effectively share with you the most relevant research.
Dr. Kharrazian has published a number of immunology studies in the most respected medical journals in the world.
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No other course on the market walks you through exactly what you need to do to evaluate and reverse your cognitive decline.

So how you can get started with the course?

I'm offering Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle 
for one easy payment of $297
You'll be able to evaluate and implement your own solutions for cognitive decline instead of cycling through one failed promise after another.

After registration, you'll have ongoing access to this online course for an indefinite period of time... No deadlines to finish!
Plus, you have nothing to lose as I’m offering a 7-day 100% risk-free guarantee.

Try Cognitive Decline: Solving the Puzzle. Take the lessons and apply what you learned. If you don’t love the course, just let me know in 7 days and I’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

This is an online course, and it comes with a 7-day money-back guarantee.